sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Choice of two topics (Topic B)

Hello everyone, how are you? 

Today I want to present a person who I admire, Victoria Castro. 

Victoria Castro is an archeologist.  She was born in Santiago, Chile, on July 3st of 1944. She has a long trajectory in investigation and teach. She’s titular and emerita teacher from the University of Chile and she is part of the Anthropologist’s department since it started. 

Victoria Castro standed out for her active participation organization as the Chilean society of archeology and the Archeologist College. 

The reason that I admire to this person is that I met her this year, when she gave a presentation in the class of the  Workshop 1: “the task of the anthropologist”.

I remember that day, it was raining and for any reason, I didn’t have an umbrella. That day was so important because she made a presentation-conversation with us. I didn`t know any archeologist in that moment. But, that day, she told us about the Andean society and some stories of her trajectory. I was fascinated for her stories and when the class finished, I wanted to take a photo with her. I made it, she was so gentle with me and I had a good experience for that. 

Sadly, she’s no longer with us, but I remember her when I look the photo and I respect and admire her.

This is my story, I hope you liked it. See you later. 

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2022

Coice of two topics (Topic b)

Hello everyone, it`s me again, I hope you are well, and to continuation I present my favorite photo and the important reason for this election. 

This is my family, my brothers Felipe and Martin, my mom Francisca and my dad Patricio. I have lived with them all my life. I like this photo because these people are very important to me and I have always had their support. My parents take care of me since I was a baby and they love me. 

I love my brothers and I learn about them every day. When I have free time in the week, I play soccer with Felipe or I watch the Clarence chapters with Martin. I enjoy this free time with them. 

This photo was taken when we celebrate Christmas holiday in 2019 at my grandma`s house. I love the Christmas because I enjoy the time with my family and it's a very important day around the world. 

With this I finish this blog. See you later friends. 

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

My favorite piece of technology

Hi everyone, to continuation I want to tell you what is my favorite piece of technology and the reason for that.

The cellphone is my favorite piece of technology because it's very useful for different reasons, for example to talk with my family or friends, watch videos or listen to music in YouTube, to know information about the classes and the university's works, etc. But the most important to me, it's the alarm, because I usually have classes in the morning and I live a little far from the University, for that, I need the cellphone for wake me up if not, I'm late or I get lost my classes. 

Probably, if I didn´t use the cellphone, I would miss out on a lot of things. I couldn't to get together with my friends, I couldn't know if I don't have classes, or if a situation changes my plans. It's a difficult life if I don't have the cellphone, because today is necessary, even more in the University, where I need to connect in U-cursos to find the books I should read or have information about the classes.

Really, I recommend the cellphone because is very useful even more to get information about different things, but the problem is that it's addictive, if you use it all the time, it's bad for your health and for this I recommend the moderate use of the cellphone. 

I also usually use the computer, although the cell phone is more comfortable.

This is all my friends. See you later.

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022


Why did i choose my career? 

Hello everyone and thank you for reading this blog. To continuation, I want to tell you a little about my story and how I decided to study anthropology-archeology in the University of Chile.

First, when I was about 7 years old, I was only a kid and I dreamed to become a soccer player, because I used to play soccer in the street and I saw some soccer players in the Panini collection albums. Later, over the years, I wanted to be other professions, for example astronomer, scientist, wrestler and sports journalist, but mainly a soccer player.

Already, in the year 2021, I had to decide what to study and how to go to the university. I wanted to study sports journal or lawyer, but in September, the University of Chile gave a talk at my school, where they were talking about other careers, one of this, was anthropology-archeology. I was interested in the anthropology-archeology from the moment I learned a little more about the career. I didn’t know that I could study a career as archaeologist. I changed my mind and decided to choose this option.

The firsts days, I was very nervous and worried, because I was a pandemic context and I didn’t know anybody. But now, I’m very good and I know very interesting people.

Some classes are very interesting, but other not so much, however those are the least.  I’m motivated and excited to learn more and improve every day. I hope my future will be the best.

With this I end my friends. See you later.

These are a few books I read when i was a kid. 

             This is a photo of one class of Formation of the Chilean society, 2022. 

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2022

Who am I ? 

Hello everyone, I`m Fernando Meléndez and I’m 18 years old but I will be 19 soon. I’m from Chile and I live in Renca, near to Renca’s hill. I live with my parents and my two brothers, Felipe and Martin. Felipe is 14 years old and he's studying at the Cumbre de Condores School, and Martin is 7 years old and he’s studying at the Sochides school. They both study in Renca. I love them so much. My parents are Chilean, my dad is a mechanic and my mom is a housewife.

My hobbies are watching soccer, wrestling or cartoons in TV. I also play soccer, with my brother Felipe or my friends on weekends. I practice this sport since I was a little boy in the Poblacion Las Java’s streets. Another curiosity of mine is, I like collect coins and soccer t-shirts.

Before studying the anthropology-archeology at the Universidad de Chile, I studied at the Instituto Nacional, near to Palacio de la Moneda.  I decided to study that career because I am interested in the history and learning about anthropology-archeology

I hope to learn some English because is so important for my life and my career. This subject is so difficult to me but I never give up.

Here, I'm with my parents in my Graduation, 2021.

 A photo with the chilean World Cup player, Sergio Navarro. I enjoyed meeting him. 

Here I'm practicing soccer in the Renca's stadium. 

Choice of two topics (Topic B) Hello everyone, how are you?  Today I want to present a person who I admire, Victoria Castro.  Victoria Castr...