sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

My favorite piece of technology

Hi everyone, to continuation I want to tell you what is my favorite piece of technology and the reason for that.

The cellphone is my favorite piece of technology because it's very useful for different reasons, for example to talk with my family or friends, watch videos or listen to music in YouTube, to know information about the classes and the university's works, etc. But the most important to me, it's the alarm, because I usually have classes in the morning and I live a little far from the University, for that, I need the cellphone for wake me up if not, I'm late or I get lost my classes. 

Probably, if I didn´t use the cellphone, I would miss out on a lot of things. I couldn't to get together with my friends, I couldn't know if I don't have classes, or if a situation changes my plans. It's a difficult life if I don't have the cellphone, because today is necessary, even more in the University, where I need to connect in U-cursos to find the books I should read or have information about the classes.

Really, I recommend the cellphone because is very useful even more to get information about different things, but the problem is that it's addictive, if you use it all the time, it's bad for your health and for this I recommend the moderate use of the cellphone. 

I also usually use the computer, although the cell phone is more comfortable.

This is all my friends. See you later.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Fernando !!
    The truth is that smartphones are very necessary today.

  2. Hi Fernando! I think the same as you, I dont know what my days would be without my cell phone alarm! ٩(˘◡˘)۶

    1. Hi Consuelo, the truth is that it would be complicated without an alarm.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


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