sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Choice of two topics (Topic B)

Hello everyone, how are you? 

Today I want to present a person who I admire, Victoria Castro. 

Victoria Castro is an archeologist.  She was born in Santiago, Chile, on July 3st of 1944. She has a long trajectory in investigation and teach. She’s titular and emerita teacher from the University of Chile and she is part of the Anthropologist’s department since it started. 

Victoria Castro standed out for her active participation organization as the Chilean society of archeology and the Archeologist College. 

The reason that I admire to this person is that I met her this year, when she gave a presentation in the class of the  Workshop 1: “the task of the anthropologist”.

I remember that day, it was raining and for any reason, I didn’t have an umbrella. That day was so important because she made a presentation-conversation with us. I didn`t know any archeologist in that moment. But, that day, she told us about the Andean society and some stories of her trajectory. I was fascinated for her stories and when the class finished, I wanted to take a photo with her. I made it, she was so gentle with me and I had a good experience for that. 

Sadly, she’s no longer with us, but I remember her when I look the photo and I respect and admire her.

This is my story, I hope you liked it. See you later. 

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2022

Coice of two topics (Topic b)

Hello everyone, it`s me again, I hope you are well, and to continuation I present my favorite photo and the important reason for this election. 

This is my family, my brothers Felipe and Martin, my mom Francisca and my dad Patricio. I have lived with them all my life. I like this photo because these people are very important to me and I have always had their support. My parents take care of me since I was a baby and they love me. 

I love my brothers and I learn about them every day. When I have free time in the week, I play soccer with Felipe or I watch the Clarence chapters with Martin. I enjoy this free time with them. 

This photo was taken when we celebrate Christmas holiday in 2019 at my grandma`s house. I love the Christmas because I enjoy the time with my family and it's a very important day around the world. 

With this I finish this blog. See you later friends. 

Choice of two topics (Topic B) Hello everyone, how are you?  Today I want to present a person who I admire, Victoria Castro.  Victoria Castr...